It's time to start The Cannonball Read 3, lit freaks! How do you know when it's time? It's simple: when you see Vin Diesel up on your screen, you know it's time for another CR3 review! Whether it will be this static image of Vin or different images of different roles he's played, I do not know. (But I do welcome input.) Anyhow, let's get things started off nice and easy with some Holiday Romance!
Teen literature is a genre that I should have practically overgrown by about a good eleven years (eight years in the literal sense). Yet somehow when I found An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, it connected to the younger me instantaneously. His stories of teenage boys fixated on quirky girls for some reason or another, along with the 4-ish star reviews for each of his books made me more interested in reading his works, seeing as I was one of those boys and he must have been too. I came into reading Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances
The basic premise of Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances
Johnson's set up leads to what I feel is my favorite story of the collection (no, not due to personal bias), John Green's "A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle". The train Jubilee came in on was also carrying fourteen Pennsylvania cheerleaders on their way to a competition. Stranded with nothing to do, they decided to go into a Waffle House to warm up/keep limber. This pleases young Keun, the acting manager at said Waffle House. It pleases him enough to invite two separate groups of friends to join him in Cheertastic bliss: a group of rowdy college guys and our protagonistic trio (Angie 'The Duke', JP, and Tobin). There's a catch though: only one group of friends can stay, and whoever has the Twister board has the power. As if that weren't enough, the roads are crap and our protagonists end up having to walk to the Waffle House, avoid a pair of evil twins, and ultimately confront some feelings budding within their group. Much like in An Abundance of Katherines, Green displays that he knows how to write humorous characters with introspective bents that happen to be falling in love. And when his characters fall in love, it almost always turns out to be extremely sweet. The romance in this story is only matched by the humor, which basically sums up Green's contribution to literature at large.
The final story, "The Patron Saint of Pigs" by Lauren Myracle, ties everything (and everyone) together into a pretty adorable ending where every couple we've encountered ends up at the same Starbucks, but not before a mini-adventure of self discovery. One of the baristas at this particular coffee shop, a girl by the name of Addison (aka Addie), had promised her friend that she'd pick up a Mini-Pig that she adopted through a local pet store. This, of course, had to be the day after Christmas, whilst enduring the fallout of both the winter blizzard and a break-up between her and her boyfriend (now ex). All the while, the Universe seems to be sending her messages that she's a little too self involved and needs to put it all on hold for others. As she treks to get the pig and sort out her cosmic destiny, she learns quite a bit and ultimately changes for the better. What's particularly unique about this story is it seemed to have a sort of Christmas Carol vibe to it, seeing as while Addie is running one uber important errand, she runs into people indirectly trying to help her change. Although the ending is a bit of a stretch to have everyone in one room, I'm not going to argue it because books of this ilk require the amount of suspension of disbelief.
This book was an honest surprise that comes of sweeter than a "Holiday Romance" novel has any business of doing. As I'd mentioned before the ending is rather serendipitous, but if there were a time for serendipity it may as well be Christmas. Each story clocks in at about 100 pages and change, and the prose is a breezy read for those who want a little holiday cheer. I would go as far to say that these three writers have made me hope that for every Mormon Mom with a wet dream, there are at least three of these whip smart writers to take her down and show us that not every teenager is a clumsy idiot who's waiting for someone to dash them away.
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