Monday, January 10, 2011

The Cannonball Read III (aka The Cannonball Read: Osaka Slide)

As anyone who's followed me over from the early days of Mr. Controversy knows, I was once involved in a reading race known as "The Cannonball Read".  This race was conceived as a way to help a Pajiba commenter/light of life/warrior queen against Cancer pass her time by reading books to best a fellow Pajiban.  That woman, Ms. Amanda Amos, aka Alabama Pink, lost her battle with Cancer in 2009 and was mourned by her fellow posters.  The Cannonball Read is now held in her honor, scaling back its initial "100 books in one year" criteria to only 52 and making a donation to her child's college fund for every person who crosses the 52 book threshold.  That said, Ms. Pink wouldn't want me or any other Pajiban to make this into a sob story.  Her memory lives on in this healthy competition to promote literacy and remember a friend/acquaintance who has passed. 

Unfortunately, due to a mishap around the time contestants were entering (I didn't read the requirement that I had to email the person running the race, so I thought a simple "I'm in" comment would have done it) I was not entered in last year's Run.  However, due to whatever force in the Universe you want to attribute it to, I've been able to Vin Diesel my way into the new run.  (Which connect the header graphic and title to the latest run, seeing as it's the third and Diesel appears at the end of the Third Fast and Furious film, albeit for a cameo.)  Rest assured, this is no cameo.  It is officially on, and while I've volunteered for a "Half Cannonball" (half of the 52 books), I have designs to crush the 52 threshold.  It's going to be fun, and I might even get myself published on Pajiba yet again!  But most of all, it helps validate my literary addiction by making me read, as well as helps me write by keeping the story centers of my mind sharp.  So with that, I say let the reading begin!

With that, I am set to announce that the first review will be one that is rather atypical of my usual tastes.  With that, I give you the first book of The Cannonball Read: Osaka Slide...

Weird choice, considering my tastes and all; but you TBK readers should be able to pick up on why I chose this selection.  For the rest, all will be explained soon.  Until then, keep turning those pages!

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