Thursday, April 21, 2022

Dusting off the bookshelf...again. (I promise.)

c. 2011 - Focus Features

Wow. It's been years, hasn't it? I can totally explain, as you've undoubtedly got questions about where I've been. 

Also, I've rebranded, because The Bookish Kind has kind of worn out its welcome as a name. Admittedly, that was a name that I came up with because I thought it was cute. I think I've finally come to the realization that it wasn't. 

So here we are: on the precipice of another reboot, and with a book that couldn't be more fitting. What's even funnier is I'm technically on vacation, and as a full-time entertainment journalist, writing may be something people would have considered the least likely thing I'd be doing on this trip.

Anyhow, consider this proof of life, and proof that I'm back in the world of book blogging. It's been a while, but it's good to be back. I might even start a vlog/podcast component to all of this eventually, but for now let's start out small. 

Hello again. I'm Mike Reyes, and from here on out, everything is going to be On The Books

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