Monday, June 14, 2010

The Pilot Season Results Show (and Run Off Election)

It was a close race (though some wouldn't see it as a race at all), but in the end Solar by Ian McEwan won the privilege of being the book to kick off The Bookish Kind's Pilot Season.  In a close second (mostly because my friend Jess cast her vote through Facebook chat just as the poll had closed), The Passage by Justin Cronin (which I eventually just went and bought, no thanks to Random House's Publicity Copy Runaround) will be the second to be read.

Here's where the run off election bit comes in though: The Last Living Slut and The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ are both tied up, leaving a contest for who should be in third place.  So for one day, I will be leaving a poll up for which book should be in Third.  Should this yield another tie (or no result at all), I will select a book as according to my own scheduling preference.  Last, and most certainly not least, Glenn Beck's latest fiction The Ludlum Impostor The Overton Window will be bringing up the rear in last place.  (C'mon people, it's Glenn Beck: America's favorite rodeo clown!  This is BOUND to be comedic gold.)

At the moment, I'm still finishing up Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter for Vamp-O-Rama over at Mr. Controversy, but as soon as that's wrapped, it's on to Solar.  Until then, keep reading.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Pilot Season Selection Show (with the Review System Breakdown)

Hey everyone!  I'm still pulling everything together over here, and a crucial part of that process is, naturally, the selection of the first book to be reviewed here on The Bookish Kind.  I've narrowed it down to five candidates, complete with hyperlinks for review:

All five of these titles will make up The Bookish Kind's Pilot Season, but only you the readers will determine the order in which they are read.  So now, with your selection in mind, please vote for what you think should be the first review ever on The Bookish Kind.  I will close the poll a week from today, or whenever I feel a satisfactory result has been reached.

Second order of business, I will begin to rank the books I review with a Star Ranking System, so as to indicate the quality of the book.  This is partially because I'm going to attempt to qualify for the Amazon Vine program, which would qualify me for further review copies of books, just in case I strike out with the publisher.  The ranking system is broken down as follows:

* - Thank God It Was a Review Copy/Borrowed From a Friend
** - Worth a Library Rental (with light fines)
*** - Buy the Mass Market Paperback
**** - Buy the Paperback
***** - Buy the Hardcover

I will be grading on the following specifics:

- Plot
- Writing Style
- Cover Art/Illustrations
- Quality of Synopsis/Blurb

They will each get their own numerical score, that will be averaged and yield the final score which will correlate with the starred ranking system above.  A lot of ambition, I know; but it's time to get even more serious about this book reviewing thing, especially if I ever plan on writing a book.  This project will help me hone a critical eye and examine as many flaws in putting a book together as I can find, so that I may (hopefully) side step them.

Well, that's all out of me for now.  Until next time, vote in the poll and spread the site to all you think would be interested.  (Ok, one last question: how would you all feel about guest reviews culled from you, the readers?)


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Introduction

Welcome to "The Bookish Kind", my first spinoff blog project spawned from the depths of Mr. Controversy (which can still be conveniently read here).  I realize an explanation is in order, so allow me to explain.

As the Mr. Controversy crowd would know, I read a lot.  I have stacks upon stacks of books in my house, and I drive people insane with the fact that I can't seem to stop buying books.  Up until now, one of the fixtures of my blog has been my book reviews, which is thanks in part to generous publishers such as Hachette Book Group and Hard Case Crime, since they provide me with a healthy amount of review copies.  Lately though, I've been thinking of creating a separate blog that would not only house book reviews, but also other literary musings and (hopefully) interviews with people about the printed word.

I have big plans for this outlet, and I hope to see them through as soon as possible.  For now, please be patient as this is a brand new venture and needs some shakedown time.  Let the great experiment begin!

Best (as always),

Mike Reyes (aka Mr. Controversy)